Friday, November 24, 2006


ZECH 2:5
For I, SAITH THE LORD, will be unto her “A WALL OF FIRE” round about, and will be the Glory in the midst of her

ISA 49:14
But ZION SAID, THE LORD hath forsaken me, and MY LORD hath forgotten me

ISA 49:15
Can a Woman forget her sucking Child, that SHE should not have compassion on the Son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, YET will I not forget thee

MIC 6:2
Hear ye, O mountains, THE LORD’S controversy
, and ye strong Foundations of the Earth: For THE LORD hath a Controversy with his people, and HE will plead with ISRAEL

MIC 6:4
For I brought thee up out of the Land of EGYPT, and redeemed thee out of the House of Servants; and I sent before thee MOSES, AARON, AND MIRIAM

NUM 12:15
AND MIRIAM was shut out from the Camp “SEVEN DAYS”; and the people journeyed not till MIRIAM was brought in again

NUM 12:16
And afterward the people removed from Hazeroth, and pitched in “THE WILDERNESS OF PARAN”

[JUDG 4:2
And THE LORD sold them
into the hand of JABIN King of CANAAN that reigned in Hazor; the Captain of whose host was “SISERA”, which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles

JUDG 5:24
Blessed above woman shall JAEL the wife of Heber the kenite be. BLESSED SHALL SHE BE ABOVE ALL WOMEN in the tent

JUDG 5:25
He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a “LORDLY DISH”

JUDG 5:26
She put her Hand to “THE NAIL”, and her Right Hand to “the Workmen’s HAMMER”; and with “THE HAMMER” She smote “SISERA”, She smote off his Head, when she had pierced and stricken through his ‘temples’

JER 23:29
Is not “MY WORD” like AS “A FIRE”? SAITH THE LORD; and like “A HAMMER” that breaketh the Rock in pieces?

EZRA 9:8
And now for a little space GRACE hath been shewed from THE LORD our GOD, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us “A NAIL” in his Holy Place, that our GOD may lighten our eyes, and give us a little “REVIVING” in our Bondage

EZRA 9:9
For we were Bondmen; Yet our GOD hath not forsaken us in our Bondage, but hath extended mercy unto us in the sight of “the kings of PERSIA”, to give us “A REVIVING”, to set up “THE HOUSE OF OUR GOD”, and to repair “the Desolations” thereof, and to give us “A WALL” in JUDAH and in JERUSALEM

[ZECH 2:5
For I, SAITH THE LORD, will be unto HER “A WALL OF FIRE” round about, and will be “THE GLORY” in the midst of HER]

DAN 9:25
Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build JERUSALEM unto “THE MESSIAH THE PRINCE”, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the Street shall be built again, and “THE WALL, EVEN” in troublous times

[JHN 4:25
The Woman saith unto HIM, I know that “MESSIAS” cometh, which IS CALLED “CHRIST”: when HE IS COME. HE will tell us all things

JHN 4:26
JESUS SAID unto her, I THAT SPEAK unto thee AM HE]

ZECH 4:6
Then HE answered and spake unto me, saying, THIS IS THE WORD OF THE LORD unto ZERUBBABEL, saying, NOT by Might, nor by Power, but by “MY SPIRIT” SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS

ZECH 4:9
The HANDS of ZERUBBABEL have laid the Foundation of “THIS HOUSE”; HIS HANDS shall also FINISH IT; and thou shalt know that THE LORD OF HOSTS hath sent me unto you

ZECH 4:7
Who art thou, O great Mountain? before ZERUBBABEL
thou shalt become a plain; and HE shall bring forth “THE HEADSTONE” thereof with shoutings, crying, GRACE, GRACE unto it

PS 118:22
“THE STONE” which the builders refused is become “THE HEAD STONE” of the corner

PS 118:23
This is THE LORD’S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes

ZECH 3:9
For Behold “THE STONE” that I have laid before JOSHUA; upon “ONE STONE” shall be “SEVEN EYES”: Behold, I will engrave the gravings thereof, SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS, and I will remove that Iniquity of that land in “ONE DAY”

PS 118:24
This is “THE DAY”
which THE LORD hath made; we will REJOICE and be glad “IN IT”

[ZECH 4:10
For who hath despised “THE DAY” of small things? for they shall REJOICE, and shall see the PLUMMET in the hand of ZERUBBABEL with those “SEVEN”; THEY are “THE EYES” of THE LORD, which “RUN” to and fro through the WHOLE EARTH

EZE 1:14
And the living creatures “RAN” and “RETURNED” AS the appearance of “A FLASH OF LIGHTNING”]

MIC 7:11
IN “THE DAY” that “THY WALLS” are to be built, in “THAT DAY” shall the Decree be far removed

ISA 22:23
And I will fasten HIM as “A NAIL” in a sure place, and “HE” shall be for “A GLORIOUS THRONE” to his father’s HOUSE

ISA 22:24
And they shall hang upon HIM all the Glory of his father’s HOUSE, “THE OFFSPRING” and “THE ISSUE”, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, EVEN to all the vessels of flagons

ISA 22:25
In that DAY, SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS, shall “THE NAIL” that is fastened in the Sure Place be removed, and be CUT down, and fall; and “THE BURDEN” that was upon it shall be cut off: for THE LORD HATH SPOKEN IT

PS 17:13
Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down; deliver my soul from “THE WICKED” WHICH IS “THY SWORD”

PS 17:14
From MEN “WHICH” are thy hand, O LORD, from MEN of the World, “WHICH” have their portion “in this life”, and whose BELLY thou fillest with thy hid treasure: they are full of Children, and leave the rest of “THEIR SUBSTANCE” to their “BABES”

JOB 40:15
Behold now Behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an OX

JOB 40:16
Lo now, “his Strength” is in “HIS LOINS”, and “his Force” is in “THE NAVEL OF HIS BELLY”

JOB 40:19
He is the Chief of the ways of GOD: HE that made him can make his SWORD to approach unto him

JOB 40:20
Surely "THE MOUNTAINS" bring him forth food, where all "THE BEASTS" of the field play

PS 33:17
AN HORSE is a vain thing for safety
: neither shall he deliver any by “his great Strength”

PRO 26:3

HOS 2:18
And in that DAY will I make a “COVENANT” for “THEM” “WITH” THE BEASTS of the field and with THE FOWLS of Heaven, and with THE CREEPING THINGS of the ground; and I will BREAK “THE BOW” and “THE SWORD” and “THE BATTLE” out of the Earth, and will make them to lie down safely