God's Ark: I AM “THE WAY”

Saturday, November 25, 2006


JHN 14:6

ISA 49:11

And I will make all my Mountains “A WAY”, and “MY HIGHWAYS” shall be EXALTED

ISA 35:8
And “AN HIGHWAY” shall be “THERE”, and “A WAY”, and it shall be called “THE WAY OF HOLINESS”, the unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for those; “THE WAYfaring” Men, though FOOLS shall not err therein

ISA 49:7
THUS SAITH THE LORD, THE REDEEMER OF ISRAEL, AND HIS HOLY ONE, to HIM whom man despiseth, to HIM whom the Nation abhoreth, to a servant of Rulers, Kings shall see and arise, Princes also shall worship, because of THE LORD “that is” FAITHFUL, and THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, and He shall choose thee

ISA 19:11
Surely the Princes of Zoan are FOOLS, the counsel of the wise Counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: How say Ye unto Pharaoh, I am the Son of the WISE, the Son of ancient Kings?

ISA 19:12
WHERE ARE THEY? Where are thy WISE MEN? And let THEM tell thee NOW, and let THEM know what THE LORD OF HOSTS hath purposed upon EGYPT

ISA 28:15
BECAUSE ye have said, we have made a Covenant with Death, and with Hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made “LIES” our REFUGE, and under “FALSEHOOD” have we hid ourselves

[PS 142:5
I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, THOU art my REFUGE
and my Portion in the land of the Living

1 TIM 6:20
O, Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding Profane and “VAIN” Babbling and Oppositions of SCIENCE “FALSELY SO CALLED”

1 TIM 6:21
Which some “PROFESSING” have erred concerning “THE FAITH”,
Grace be with thee, ‘Amen’]

ISA 19:1
The Burden of EGYPT, Behold, THE LORD RIDETH upon a SWIFT CLOUD, and shall come into EGYPT: and the idols of EGYPT shall be moved at HIS PRESENCE, and “the Heart of EGYPT” shalt melt in the midst of it

Amos 9:9
For, lo, I will command, and I will SIFT “THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL” among ALL NATIONS, like AS corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the ground

ISA 49:9
That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in “THE WAYS”, and their pastures shall be in all high Places

ISA 49:10
These shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall “THE HEAT” nor “THE SUN” smite them: for HE that hath mercy on them shall lead them, “EVEN” by the Springs of water shall HE guide them

ISA 42:9
Behold, the former things are come to pass, and "NEW THINGS" do I declare: before they Spring forth I tell you of them

ISA 43:19
Behold, I WILL DO A NEW THING; NOW it shall Spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will “EVEN” make “A WAY” in the Wilderness, and Rivers in the Desert

ISA 43:20
THE BEASTS of the field shall Honour me, “THE DRAGONS” and “THE OWLS”: because I give waters in the Wilderness, and Rivers in the Desert, to give drink to My People, My Chosen

[GEN 16:2

And SARAI said unto ABRAM, Behold now, THE LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain Children by her. And ABRAM hearkened to the voice of SARAI

GEN 16:3
And SARAI, ABRAM”S wife took HAGAR her maid “THE EGYPTIAN”,
after ABRAM had dwelt ten years in the Land of CANAAN and gave her to her husband ABRAM to be his wife

GEN 16:4
And he went in unto HAGAR, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her Mistress was despised in her eyes

Gen 16:6
But ABRAM said unto SARAI, Behold
, thy maid is in thy hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And when SARAI dealt hardly with her, she fled from her face

GEN 16:7
And THE ANGEL OF THE LORD found her by a fountain of water in the Wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur

GEN 16:11
And THE ANGEL OF THE LORD said unto her. Behold thou art with Child, and shalt bear a Son and shalt call his name ISHMAEL, because THE LORD hath heard thy Affliction

GEN 16:12
And He will be “A WILD MAN”; his Hand will be against every man and every man’s Hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of ALL HIS BRETHREN

GEN 21:20
And GOD was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the Wilderness, and became “AN ARCHER”

GEN 21:21
And he dwelt in “THE WILDERNESS OF PARAN”, and his mother took him a wife out of “THE LAND OF EGYPT”]

HOS 1:9

HOS 1:10
Yet the number of the Children of ISRAEL shall be as the sand of the Sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in “THE PLACE” where it was said unto them, YE ARE NOT MY PEOPLE, “THERE” it shall be said unto them, YE ARE THE SONS OF THE LIVING GOD

ISA 11:16
And “THERE” shall be “AN HIGHWAY” for the remnant of “HIS PEOPLE” which shall be left, from ASSYRIA; like as it was to ISRAEL in the day that “HE” came up out of the Land of EGYPT

ISA 19:19
In that DAY shall “THERE” be “AN ALTAR” to THE LORD in the midst of the land of EGYPT, and a Pillar at the border thereof to THE LORD

ISA 19:20
And it shall be for a sign and for a Witness unto THE LORD OF HOSTS in the Land of EGYPT; for they shall “CRY” unto THE LORD because of the Oppressors and HE shall send them “A SAVIOUR”, and a “GREAT ONE” and HE shall deliver them

BUT let MAN and BEAST be covered with sackcloth, and “CRY” mightily unto GOD: yea let them turn EVERY ONE FROM “HIS EVIL WAY”, and FROM “THE VIOLENCE” that is in THEIR HANDS

[PS 23:1
THE LORD is my SHEPHERD; I shall not want

PS 23:5
THOU preparest a table before me in the presence of “MINE” ENEMIES, THOU “ANOINTEST MY HEAD WITH OIL”: my cup runneth over

PS 141:5
Let THE RIGHTEOUS smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let HIM “REPROVE ME”; it shall be “AN EXCELLENT OIL”, which shall “NOT BREAK MY HEAD”:for yet MY PRAYER also shall be in their calamities]

ISA 19:22
And THE LORD shall smite EGYPT: HE shall smite and heal it; and they shall return “EVEN”
to “THE LORD”, and HE shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them

ISA 19:23
In that day shall “THERE” be “AN HIGHWAY” out of EGYPT to ASSYRIA, and the ASSYRIAN shall come into EGYPT, and the EGYPTIAN into ASSYRIA, and the EGYPTIANS shall serve with the ASSYRIANS

JOB 28:1
Surely “THERE” is “A VEIN” for the Silver, and “A PLACE” for GOLD
where they fine it

ZECH 13:9
And I will bring the THIRD part through “THE FIRE”,
and will refine them as Silver is refined, and will TRY them as GOLD is tried: they shall call on MY NAME, and I will hear them; I will say, IT is my people: and they shall say, THE LORD is my GOD

ISA 19:24
In that Day shall ISRAEL be “THE THIRD” with EGYPT and with “ASSYRIA”, “EVEN” “A BLESSING” in the midst of the Land

ISA 44:3
For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour “MY SPIRIT” upon thy seed and “MY BLESSING” upon thine offspring

ISA 44:4
And they shall Spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses

ISA 44:5
ONE shall say, I am THE LORD’S; and another shall call himself by the name of JACOB; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto THE LORD, and surname himself by THE NAME OF ISRAEL

PS 121:4
Behold, he that keepeth ISRAEL shall neither slumber nor sleep

[PS 121:1
I will lift up mine eyes unto “THE HILLS”, from whence cometh my help

PS 121:2
My help cometh from “THE LORD”,

PS 121:3
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he that keepeth thee will not slumber

PS 121:4
Behold, he that keepeth ISRAEL shall neither slumber nor sleep

PS 121:5
THE LORD is thy Keeper: THE LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand

PS 121:6
The “SUN” shall not smite thee by day, nor “THE MOON” by night

PS 121:7
THE LORD shall preserve thee from all EVIL: HE shall preserve THY SOUL

PS 121:8
THE LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in FROM THIS TIME FORTH, AND EVEN FOR EVERMORE]